Radon Kits are Available for Checkout
Want to Know If You Are Exposed to RADON in Your Home?
The Logan County Public Library is working with the University of Kentucky on a research study to provide home radon detectors at the library at no cost to you. Patrons can check-out a Corentium Home by Airthings® Home Radon Detector and test their home for two weeks. At the end of testing, patrons will know their average home radon level.
Detectors are available for check-out at the Reference Desk of all branches.
Quick Facts about Radon
• A naturally occurring radioactive gas from the decay of uranium found in rocks and soil
• Second leading cause of lung cancer
• Leading cause of lung cancer among never-smokers
• Colorless, odorless, tasteless, and causes no immediate symptoms
• Most exposure to radon occurs in the home, where the gas enters and becomes trapped.
• The only way to know how much radon is in your home is to test for it!
Kentucky law requires that if you test for radon and later want to sell your home, you must tell potential buyers the radon level. If you want to fix your home for high radon, the costs may range from $800-$2500.
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