Interlibrary Loan

Get it from another library

Can’t find what you are looking for in our catalog?

An interlibrary loan can be requested at any of our locations or submitted below to borrow the item from another library.  No more than 3 interlibrary loans can be submitted at a time. We will contact you when the item has arrived. This process takes at least 2 weeks to complete, so please allow time for us to fill your request.


Renewing a Loan

If you would like to renew a loan, please contact us at least 3 days before the due date; renewals will be automatically denied after that time.

Renewing an interlibrary loan is up to the library that owns the book, so renewal is not guaranteed; we will contact you either way once we hear back from the other library.


Late Fees

$1.00 per day


Book Request versus Interlibrary Loan

A book request can be filled out for titles that have been released within the last year. When a request is received, we consider adding it to our collection.  If the request is denied, you may fill out an interlibrary loan form to borrow the title from another library.

KatieIpréstamo Interbibliotecarios